За случај да некоме затреба: THE PLACE NAMES OF FIFE AND KINROSS, на
http://ia360630.us.archive.org/2/items/placenamesoffife00lidd/placenamesoffife00lidd.pdfThe following is a simple illustration of what is meant. The Fife name Beath (or Beith as it is written in Ayrshire) is the ancient Gaelic word beith = birch tree. In modern Gaelic the final "th" of beith is quiescent, and hence in the English spelling of Irish names the term appears as -bay {e.g. in Ballybay). So again the Fife river name Leven, from leamhan = an elm, appears in Ireland in English form as Laune, a name which would have been difficult to trace to its origin had not its literary form been preserved in Irish.Практично - колико сам разумела бацивши набрзински поглед - објашњење (порекла) назива насеља у Ирској. Прелистај кад будеш имала времена, па ако мислиш да је непотребно, лако ћемо обрисати. Мени је на први поглед било симпатично.