Ја сад немам времена, па те молим да погледаш у неком речнику. Да ли у енглеском језику реч share има и значење неке врсте размене?
Pa upravo ti to sve vreme govorim (ili barem pokušavam, ako nisam bila jasna, izvinjavam se). Share na engleskom
NE ZNAČI razmenjivati ili exchange. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/share?r=75verb (used with object)
to divide and distribute in shares; apportion.
to use, participate in, enjoy, receive, etc., jointly: The two chemists shared the Nobel prize.
verb (used without object)
to have a share or part; take part (often followed by in ).
to divide, apportion, or receive equally.
on / upon shares, on the principle of sharing the profits or losses of an undertaking: They agreed to work on shares.
— vb (often foll by out ) (when intr, often foll by in )
4. to divide or apportion, esp equally
5. to receive or contribute a portion of: we can share the cost of the petrol ; six people shared in the inheritance
6. to join with another or others in the use of (something): can I share your umbrella?
http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/shareA za deljenje slika, evo ovde pod 2 kod značenja kao neprelaznog glagola (v intr):
http://www.thefreedictionary.com/sharev. shared, shar·ing, shares
1. To divide and parcel out in shares; apportion.
2. To participate in, use, enjoy, or experience jointly or in turns.
3. To relate (a secret or experience, for example) to another or others.
4. To accord a share in (something) to another or others: shared her chocolate bar with a friend.
1. To have a share or part: shared in the profits.
2. To allow someone to use or enjoy something that one possesses: Being in daycare taught the child to share.3. To use or enjoy something jointly or in turns: There is only one computer, so we will have to share.